Sunday, July 31, 2011

I've Got A Big Black Coq on my Chest!

not only is it a big black coq - it's shouting and wielding a knife! 
Never underestimate the importance of maintaining good eye-contact.  It makes the speaker feel like he is being listened to - and earnestly. 

My friends say I have an "aura of calm" about me... I help ease the tension in the room, and people feel reassured and comforted - things will be OK.  

Perhaps this is why Chef Ludo kept speaking to me during our orientation... Seriously - it felt like he was looking at me more than anyone else!  or maybe it was because I was sitting directly opposite him - so he just needed to look straight ahead? 

or maybe he was thinking "why did I hire this girl?" <--- nah.  

He knows me by name... he knows all of us by name (there aren't too many of us)... he is really that friendly and approachable!  well, we haven't started anything yet... Monday is our first day of prep.  Tuesday is a private party. Wednesday is the first official day of the restaurant.

It takes some people months to open a restaurant.  This one will happen in about 4 days.  Granted he's piggy-backing onto Gram & Papa's - an existing restaurant in the fashion district in Downtown Los Angeles.  A place that is full of people by day, and desolate at night.  Most diners will be thinking to themselves "are we really in the right place?"

So I have 2 t-shirts, and on Monday I'll be getting an apron and those kick-ass shoes (happy birthday to me)! 

What's on the menu?  Oh I can't ruin the surprise... We haven't even tasted anything yet... Let's just say, it's gonna be adventurous, inventive, playful and delicious. 


work clean!

know the inventory

label everything

clean up

know the fridge

stay organized

clean up.

did I mention that he likes everything clean and organized?

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